Actions in Rules Manager
  • Change the ticket owner - change a responsible agent in the ticket;
  • Change the department - change department of the ticket for specified;
  • Change the status of ticket - change the status of the ticket to the specified;
  • Change the priority of ticket - change the priority of the ticketto the specified;
  • Change the type of ticket - change the type of ticket to the specified;
  • Change SLA closing - change the time of SLA in the ticket for specified;
  • Change ticket owner on the less loaded Agent in group - change the ticket owner from the specified group, who had the smallest number of tickets (with the status other than Comleted), taking into account access to the ticket department;
  • Change ticket owner on the less loaded Agent in group based on the status and number of chats - change the ticket owner for tickets received from the Omnichannel. Taken into account the status of agent, his maximum number of chats at the current moment and his group;
  • Change the first answer - change the content of the first response in the ticket;
  • Change ticket's creator to the first email from the first response in the ticket - change the creator of the ticket to the user with the e-mail indicated in the first response of ticket;
  • Change ticket's creator to the specified user with e-mail - change the creator of the ticket to the specified mail;
  • Change ticket's creator to template from the first response in the ticket - change the creator to user's email by the specified template. For example: "Letter from: @email";
  • Change the subject of the ticket - change the subject of the ticket to specified;


  • Send a letter to the agent - send a letter to the specified agent ;
  • Send a letter to the creator of the ticket - send a letter to the author of the ticket (to the client);
  • Send a letter to the agents of the department - send a letter to all agents of the department;
  • Send a letter to the clients of the department - send a letter to all clients of the department;
  • Send a letter to the ticket owner - send a letter to the ticket owner;
  • Send a letter - to all participants in the ticket - send a letter to all participants in the ticket, who wrote in it at least one answer;
  • Send an email to the managers of ticket creator - send a letter to the company's manager of the ticket;
  • Send mail to mentioned users - send a letter to the users that were mentioned in the ticket using function: @ + the name (or mail) of the user;
  • Send a webhook - send a webhook with specified method of request, the format of the data, the authorization method and the URL;


  • Add comment - add a comment to the ticket on behalf of the creator of the ticket / owner / system;
  • Add answer - add an answer to the ticket on behalf of the creator of the ticket / owner / system;
  • Add tag - the specified tags will be added to the ticket. It is necessary to specify tags via comma.


  • Freeze a ticket - ticket will be frozen;
  • Unfrezze a ticket - the application will be defrosted;
  • Remove ticket - removes ticket;
  • Create user from the first response by template - user will be created from the first response in the ticket from the specified template: his mail, name, telephone and company.


  • Change the custom fields - change the value of custom fields:
  • Change the custom field by template from the last response - change the value of a field by pattern: @value;
  • Change the custom field by template from last comment - change the field value by pattern: @value;

How to write a letter properly:

When you create a letter and you can use tags, they allow you to get any information from the ticket in an automatic mode (unique number, name, content, dates and other service information). To use tags, click the icon next to the Subject of the letter.

The same tags can be used in the content of the letter. [#{unique_id}] tag must be specified in the header of the letter in order to letter come back to the necessary ticket.

In case you have any questions about actions or those actions not enough to create the desired rule - feel free to contact our support team, we will find a solution for you!