Web Hooks

Web hooks allow you to notify/call external systems about events in the HelpDeskEddy system. For example, with web hooks you can send SMS notifications to customers/agents, integrate with a CRM system and so on.

Web hooks are available and actioned in the Task Manager. This allows you to flexibly configure the sending of web hooks using the Task Manager.


When adding a web hook, you should:

  • Select a HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.
  • Specify the link where the inquiry will be sent. You can use tags in the link.
  • Specify the format of the data to be sent: JSON, XML, X-FORM-URLENCODED.
  • If you need authorisation, then you need to choose the type of authorisation: user name, password/API key.
  • Generate an inquiry with data in the selected format using tags. In the case of X-FORM-URLENCODED, the separator for the variables must be "&".

If the server to which the inquiry is sent responds with HTTP code 2XX/3XX, the inquiry is considered successful, in another case, for example, if the server is busy, the inquiry will be repeated every 30 minutes within 24 hours.

In case you do not know how to make the necessary integration, feel free to contact us - we will be happy to help!

web hook